DfT guidance on Transport Assessments
“Planning Policy Guidance Note 13: Transport (PPG13) states that, where a new development is likely to have significant transport implications, a Transport Assessment (TA) should be prepared and submitted with a planning application for the development. It will then be used to determine whether the impact of the development on transport is acceptable.”
We are able to deliver high quality transport assessments as part of planning applications for proposed and existing developments. Transport assessments are an important part of securing a successful planning permission.
We will work with you as a development team to set out the scope of your project and the requirements of a successful application. We will then progress your proposal and support you through the planning process and condition monitoring. Through the development of the transport assessment we will Identify what measures need to be taken to deal with the anticipated transport impacts of the scheme and how accessibility and safety for all modes of travel will be improved, particularly for alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling and public transport.
Travel Planning
The implementation of travel plans is becoming increasingly important in planning for new developments. Transept have extensive experience in the field of travel planning, working with developers, businesses and other organisations to develop creative solutions to meet sustainable travel objectives.
We have produced numerous travel plans for a variety of purposes. We work closely with our clients to enable them to produce successful plans which meet the needs of a planning application, their desire to improve their green credentials, or intention to increase travel efficiency.
We are able to take you through the entire travel plan process; from data collection and user travel surveys, analysis of data and mapping of travel patterns, to developing an effective and achievable action plan of realistic measures to deliver a shift towards more sustainable transport.
For further information about the Transport Assessment and Travel Planning services we provide, please contact James Turner, either by phone or by selecting ‘Transport Assessments’ on the Contact page.